Available Infrastructure for Placing Production and Other Facilities of Investors

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As at the date, the following has been created in the Rostov region: promising investment sites, seven industrial parks, 4 business incubators, industrial co-working, the Single Regional Innovation Development Center, certification bodies in the Rostov region, the Rostov regional Agency for Entrepreneurship Support, the Rostov region Guarantee Fund.

  1. Promising investment sites
  2. Industrial parks
  3. Business incubators
  4. Industrial co-working
  5. Single Regional Center for Innovation Development
  6. Certification bodies in the Rostov region
  7. Rostov regional Agency for Entrepreneurship Support
  8. Guarantee Fund of the Rostov region

More detailed information on infrastructure facilities for small and medium-sized businesses is available on the Don's Small and Medium Business portal.

Promising investment sites

In 2011, on behalf of the Governor of the Rostov region V.Yu. Golubeva. a list of promising investment sites located in the territories of urban districts and municipal districts of the region was  formed.
The purpose of creating and updating the list of prospective investment sites is to localize new investment projects, taking into account the requirements for engineering and transport infrastructure.

Industrial parks

Industrial parks of the Rostov region are created on the basis of investment sites in the cities of Azov, Bataisk, Novocherkassk, Gukovo, as well as Azovsky, Krasnosulinsky and Oktyabrsky districts. The residents of industrial parks include such well-known companies as Guardian Steklo Rostov LLC, Praxea Rus LLC, Tekhno Zavod LLC, Imeris Vostok LLC, Frito Lay Manufacturing LLC, PepsiCo LLC, FSUE "Post of Russia". The Government of the Rostov region continues its work to provide industrial parks with the necessary transport and engineering infrastructure, with the possibility of increasing the volume of required capacities with the localization of new investment projects. Within the framework of this work, interaction has been organized between regional executive authorities and resource-supplying companies.

  • Azovsky
  • Novoaleksandrovsky
  • Uzhno-Bataisky
  • Krasnosulinsky
  • Novocherkassky
  • Oktiabrsky
  • Gukovsky

Business incubators

A business incubator is an organization created to support entrepreneurs at the early stage of their activities by providing premises for rent on preferential terms and providing consultancy, accounting and legal services.

Business incubators are a targeted infrastructure for assistance to small and medium-sized businesses at the initial stage of their development, this is a unique system of integrated support.

Business incubators refer to the infrastructure supporting entrepreneurship, which supports entrepreneurs at the early stage of their activities. The main types of support are:

  • placement of small business entities on sublease terms in rented non-residential premises that belong to the state property of the Rostov region and are intended for the functioning of the Rostov business incubator for a period not exceeding three years;
  • provision of postal and secretarial services to small business entities;
  • granting access for small business entities to information databases;
  • advisory services on taxation, accounting, lending, legal protection and enterprise development, business planning, professional development and training.

In the Rostov region there are 4 business incubators, of which one is regional and three are at the municipal level:

  • Rostov business incubator
  • Taganrog business incubator
  • Gukovo business incubator
  • Salskog business incubator

Industrial co-working

In 2016, on the basis of the Don State Technical University, a large-scale infrastructure project was launched. i.e. the Garage Industrial Co-working.

Co-working was opened with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation A.V. Dvorkovich and the Governor of the Rostov region V.Yu. Golubev.

Co-working provides access to high-tech equipment and engineering services.

Single Regional Center for Innovation Development

In November 2013, on behalf of the Governor of the Rostov region V.Yu. Golubev in the Rostov region Non-Profit Partnership "Single Regional Center for Innovation Development of the Rostov region" was created.

The main task of Non-Profit Partnership "Single Regional Center for Innovation Development of the Rostov region" is to ensure effective interaction of all participants in innovation processes, including subjects of innovation, participants in territorial clusters, educational and scientific institutions, non-commercial and non-profit organizations, public authorities and local governments, investors, innovators, inventors.

Rostov regional Agency for Entrepreneurship Support

Autonomous Non-Profit Organization - Microfinance Company"Rostov regional Agency for Entrepreneurship Support" was established on the initiative of the Government of the Rostov region with the support of the Department of the Federal State Employment Service for the Rostov region and the Russian Agency for Small and Medium Business Support.

Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Rostov regional Agency for Entrepreneurship Support" takes an active part in the implementation of state and regional programs and projects aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses.

Guarantee Fund of the Rostov region

NGO "Guarantee Fund of the Rostov region" provides guarantees to small and medium-sized enterprises and organizations of the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses, which do not have sufficient collateral to attract borrowing/bank guarantee /lease/loan.