About the region

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Rostov region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the south of the European part of Russia and is part of the Southern Federal District. 

Rostov region, as an administrative unit, was formed on the basis of the resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated September 13, 1937.

Among other major territorial entities of the Russian Federation, the region is distinguished by its high scientific, production, resource and financial potential.

The development of the region's economy is based on the impact of such factors as the favorable  economic and geographical location(a connector of the center of Russia with the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia), availability of natural resources, historically favorable development conditions, high labor supply, and well-developed transport infrastructure. According to the rates of economic reforms in recent years and the volume of output of goods and services, the region occupies one of the leading positions, both in the Southern Federal District and in Russia as a whole.

The immediate surroundings of the region are represented by highly economically developed regions: Donbass in the west, Central Russia in the north, the Volga region in the east and the Caucasus in the south. The largest coal, oil, gas, metallurgical, machine-building, chemical, agri-industrial areas and centers are located within a radius of 1.0-1.5 thousand km from the borders of Rostov region, the exchange of finished products is carried out, to a large extent, through the territory of Rostov region.

The Don, one of the largest rivers in Europe, with numerous branches and tributaries, flows in the territory of the region

Mineral raw materials include a group of fuel and energy resources. They include the coals of the Eastern Donbass, in particular, anthracite, which is the best in the world in terms of caloric content.

Deposits of non-metallic raw materials for metallurgy and production of building materials are developed. The explored gas reserves are estimated at the level of 56.2 billion cubic meters.

The forest fund of the region is insignificant, it is represented on 2.8% of the territory, mostly by forests performing water protection and protective functions.

Recreational resources are represented by resorts of local importance for summer recreation with high-quality mineral water resources, as well as wide opportunities for the development of international tourism.
