Promotion of competition in the Rostov Region

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Since December 2017, the development of competition in the country acquired the status of the National Plan, which was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 21 , 2017  No. 618 (“On the main directions of state policy for the development of competition”).
During 2018–2019, this provision was reinforced by a number of measures, the implementation of which is under the control of the President of the Russian Federation:

  • On April 5, 2018, a meeting of the State Council for the Development of Competition was held under the chairmanship of President V.V. Putin ;
  • On May 15, 2018, the List of Presidential Orders following the results of the State Council was approved;
  • On April 17, 2019, a "new edition" of the Standard for the development of competition in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was approved (order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 17, 2019  No.  768-r ).

The National Plan and the Standard for the Development of Competition establish the main goals and objectives for the development of competition for the coming years, as well as approve a unified approach to their implementation by the executive authorities and local self-government bodies.

In the Rostov region, in the period from 2018 to 2020, a large-scale work was carried out to develop a competitive environment:

  • amendments were made to the regulations on the executive authorities of the Rostov region, providing for the priority of goals and objectives to promote the development of competition in the relevant commodity markets;
  • the executive authorities of the Rostov region, in accordance with the methodological recommendations approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated  October 18, 2018 No.  2258-r , adopted legal acts on measures aimed at creating and organizing a system of internal compliance with the requirements of antimonopoly legislation;
  • during 2018 - 2019, meetings were held with the participation of the heads of the Government of the Rostov Region and the FAS Russia, at which issues of the state and development of the competitive environment in the territory of the Rostov Region were considered, as well as consideration of issues on the development of competition was organized at meetings of the Government of the Rostov Region;
  • the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Government of the Rostov Region signed an Agreement on Cooperation dated  July 31, 2018 No. 09-143, and also developed and signed an Action Plan for 2019 to implement this Agreement;
  • a system of motivating local self-government bodies to effectively work to promote the development of competition has been developed and implemented;
  • annually the rating of the municipalities of the Rostov region is carried out in terms of their activities to promote the development of competition. At the end of 2019, 1st, 2nd and 3rd places were taken, respectively - Kamensky district, the city of Novoshakhshinsk, Dubovsky district;
  • in July 2019 approved the disposal of the Governor of the Rostov region from  7.11.2019 number 149 "On implementation of the Rostov region of the standard of competition in the Russian Federation";
  • monitoring of the state and development of the competitive environment is carried out annually, on the basis of which the analytical material "Results of monitoring the state and development of the competitive environment in the markets of goods, works and services of the Rostov region" is formed;
  • local government bodies of the Rostov region to ensure the priority of goals and objectives for the development of competition in the product markets of municipal districts (urban districts) of the region have developed complexes of measures and lists of indicators for the development of competition;
  • In March 2020, the Governor of the Rostov Region issued an order No. 45 "On approval of the List of Product Markets to Promote Competition in the Rostov Region and the Action Plan (Roadmap) to Promote Competition in the Rostov Region for 2020 - 2022". The list includes 35 product markets recommended by the Federal Standard for the Development of Competition, as well as 206 measures aimed at developing approved markets.