In order to optimize licensing procedures in the field of construction pursuant to the Order of the President of the Russian Federation, a pilot project on acceleration of licensing procedures in the field of land relations and construction, including connection to municipal and engineering infrastructure facilities, was implemented in partnership with Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Agency for Strategic Initiatives to promote new projects” in the territory of the Rostov Region.
The pilot project arrangements are targeted to ease procedures of registration of infrastructural facilities, and its implementation will result in reduction of administrative barriers and improvement of entrepreneurial climate in the Rostov Region, based on the cases established by the Rostov Region legislation in respect of which permit for construction is not required.
The pilot project implementation will result in reduction of the number of mandatory licensing procedures from 15 to 4 and the timing of their performance related to the competence of the authorities from 340 to 90-100 days in order to connect the capital construction facilities to the engineering infrastructure systems based on the introduction of a scheme of technological connection to engineering networks.
In the course of monitoring and further implementation of the pilot project on acceleration of licensing procedures in the context of enacted changes in the land regulations pursuant to p. 3 art. 39.36 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1300 date December 03, 2014 "On Approval of the List of Types of the Facilities which can be Allocated on Lands or Land Plots Owned by Federal or Municipal Governments without Assignment of Land Plot and Creation of Servitudes", the Decree of the Government of the Rostov Region No. 440 dated July 06, 2015 "On Approval of the Procedure and Conditions of Allocation of the Facilities, which Types were determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, on Lands or Land Plots Owned by Federal or Municipal Governments without Assignment of Land Plot and Creation of Servitudes in the Territory of the Rostov Region" (hereafter – Procedure) was adopted.
This statutory instrument of the Government of the Rostov Region, in combination with the Decree of the Government of the Rostov Region No. 137 of 06/03/2014 on Approval of the List of Cases where Permit for Construction in the Territory of the Rostov Region is not Required, regulates the most simplified procedure and terms of allocation of infrastructural facilities (including water, gas, power, heat supply inputs into buildings, as well as sewer outlets).
On the ground of this Procedure, the number of mandatory licensing procedures related to the competence of the authorities, in the context of the construction of infrastructural facilities in respect of which the issuance of construction permits is not required, is reduced to one and the period of performance is 25 days.
In the framework of the pilot project implementation, working groups were established in all local government authorities to assist builders in application of simplified procedures in the field of land relations and construction.
According to the results of the monitoring, more than 400 projects of infrastructural facilities (gas pipelines of medium and low pressure, aerial and cable power lines, water and wastewater systems, access roads in respect of which the issuance of construction permits is not required) are currently at different stages of registration.
Published at: 11.04.2014, 13:25:49
| Updated at: 20.07.2018, 17:07:11