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Homepage > News > Regional > The plant in the Rostov region will become the unique producer of a complete cycle in Russia for the CNG filling station

The plant in the Rostov region will become the unique producer of a complete cycle in Russia for the CNG filling station

Date: 08.08.2016

Work on creation of a network of modern gas-filling stations of the company in the territory of the Rostov region is at the same time conducted, on the first such object designing already comes to an end.

The project progress of "NICKNAME NPK" and plans of the company have been provided at meeting on an assessment of a condition of the investment climate in the Mine city which was held by the governor of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev.

We will remind that the agreement on implementation in the Rostov region of the NICKNAME NPK project with investments of 600 million rubles has been signed at the forum "Sochi-2015". According to "Agency of investment development of the Rostov region" (ACORUS), now at plant of exact mechanics three production sites where issue reservoirs of a high pressure for propane-butane and fuel-dispensing equipment, compressors of a high pressure for the CNG filling station are put into operation, pilot production of gas carriers is conducted.

"Everything that has been planned during signing of the investment agreement in Sochi, the company carries out in full and even ahead of schedule. We are grateful to the regional, city authorities, Agency of investment development of the Rostov region for quick and constructive response to questions which arise in development of the entity", - the director of "NICKNAME NPK" Victoria Efanova has told.

According to the company, with start of shop of picking of the CNG filling station the plant of exact mechanics in Mines will become the unique entity in Russia which independently develops and makes all components for gas-filling stations. Now at plant issue already several hundreds of names of products. The most part of products has no analogs in the Russian Federation.

"The successful project "NICKNAME NPK" - one of examples of productivity of efforts of the Don authorities on upgrade of economy of the so-called miner's territories due to investment attraction, creation of the new industries", - the CEO of Agency of investment development of the Rostov region Igor Burakov notes.

Until the end of the year at plant of exact mechanics in Mines is planned to begin construction of one more shop, to master release of new types of products. With production expansion the staff of the entity will grow to 150 people.
